Monthly Archives: March 2008

WPF Bitmap Effects Revisited

Technorati Tags: WPF,BitmapEffect,Greyscale Ok, so the first pass was ok (apart from the messed up file uploads 🙁 thanks alot WLW! ) but there are still a few minor niggles. Firstly was the whole com registration deal. Whilst its not … Continue reading

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Greyscale Bitmap Effect for WPF

Technorati Tags: WPF,Greyscale,BitmapEffect   [ please see the THIS post about single assembly effects ] Whilst trawling the MSDN forums looking for a solution to a problem i was having (completely unrelated to bitmap effects – i’m easily distracted 😉 … Continue reading

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An evening with Derren Brown, and the Agile Manifesto

What a show. The man is simply amazing, magic or psychology, it doesn’t really matter, the end result is both stunning and completely mystifying. Some of the show was obvious trickery like the levitating spirit table), but in my opinion … Continue reading

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DataTemplate Triggers with animations in WPF

Technorati Tags: WPF,DataTrigger,Storyboard,Problem I’ve just had the displeasure of burning quite a few hours on a stupid problem with starting animations from a control template using data binding and datatriggers in WPF. I’ve solved it eventually but only after wasting … Continue reading

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