Monthly Archives: May 2008

Pixel Shader Effects in WPF using .Net3.5sp1 Beta

Technorati Tags: WPF,Shaders,.net3.5sp1 Well, I finally managed to get round to whipping up a pixel shader today, and a reasonable workflow with skeleton projects to enable quick(ish) turnaround during development. Since Pixel Shaders were introduced on Greg Shechters blog I’d … Continue reading

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Rob Relyea links To RunToTheHills!

OMG! At the risk of sounding like a fanatical Fan-Boy, I’ve been linked to from Rob Relyea’s WPF blog under the CTP section! Rob’s blog entry is HERE, and as always contains mountains of useful WPF and .NET related material … Continue reading

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MyGeneration and Referencing External Assemblies…

After spending about and hour trying to get MyGeneration to reference the FileHelpers Dll’s, I thought it would be worth pointing something out.. QUIT MYGENERATION AND RE-RUN IT AFTER YOU HAVE COPIED THE ASSEMBLIES INTO THE MYGENERATION FOLDER. Damn. I’ve … Continue reading

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.Net3.5 SP1 problem solved!

  Just thought I’d let anyone having the same problems as me know how I ended up solving them! Basically it appears that there are a couple of updates available on Windows update that are marked as optional, but which … Continue reading

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.Net 3.5 Disaster & Pixel shaders!

Oh No! i’ve just installed the .Net3.5 SP1 Beta  + the VS2008 SP1 Beta, and it’s completely hosed my setup šŸ™ When I open VS2008 and try to open a project, when the XAML/WPF view opens, i get the dreaded … Continue reading

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I’m A WINNER – free iPod!

Well, not how I’d have phrased it but still. Sounds more like a Nigerian 419. But still……..  I’VE WON AN iPod! Yup. Really. An iPod!! I submitted an idea into a program we have here @ EDS, and the best … Continue reading

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WPF Pixel Shaders are HERE!

Checkout Greg Schechters’s blog! Finally we get hardware accelerated Bitmap effects, and it looks like they’re significantly easier to implement than those nasty slow ugly software based effects! <ugh> even thinking about throwing pixel around in a CLR based language … Continue reading

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