.Net 3.5 Disaster & Pixel shaders!

Oh No! i’ve just installed the .Net3.5 SP1 Beta  + the VS2008 SP1 Beta, and it’s completely hosed my setup πŸ™

When I open VS2008 and try to open a project, when the XAML/WPF view opens, i get the dreaded designer error window, with an exception i’ve not seen before πŸ™

Loading this assembly would produce a different grant set from other instances. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131401)

Unfortunately the only reference I can see for this regarding the 3.5SP1 beta is in the comments on ScottGU’s blog, and the response is "send me an email" . Thing is none of the possibles apply to me. I’m on Vista SP1, didn’t install the Silverlight betas, or anything else to do with Silverlight, nor did I install the update.

I’m just re-installing VS2008 now as nothing else seems to work.

In short, beware!


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5 Responses to .Net 3.5 Disaster & Pixel shaders!

  1. Pingback: WPF/Silverlight/XAML Web News - 2008/05/23 - Rob Relyea - Xamlified

  2. Chris Madrid says:

    Did you find a solution? Looks like I’m in the same situation.

  3. rob says:

    Hi Chris,
    Yes I did managed to fix devstudio, (the next post on my blog detailed this)
    you didn’t read far enough πŸ˜‰
    Basically there are 2 updates that are available via windows update that aren’t installed by default (see post), but installing those fixed the issue for me!
    Thanks for reading!

  4. Matt Valerio says:

    Hey Rob,

    I just ran into exactly the same problem as you did. I poked around (and found the same comments on ScottGu’s blog) but nothing I tried helped. I detailed my experience here:


    In the end, it turned out that a bad addin, StudioTools, was the culprit. Out of curiosity, did you have that addin installed?

  5. rob says:

    Hi Matt,
    No, I didn’t have that add-in installed. I notice that there were comments about having resharper though,but in the end that wasnt my problem either. Seemed that good old windows update solved my problems anyway.


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