Monthly Archives: June 2008

10,000 Visitors!

How one earth did that happen? Someone has to be messing with my stats! I didn’t think this muck was that interesting. Really. See, my wife is wrong when she says I have no friends. Do virtual friends count? 🙂

Posted in General, Personal | 4 Comments

System.Windows.Data Error: 19

Thought I’d brain dump a little problem I came across earlier today. Data Error 19. Here’s the full error. System.Windows.Data Error: 19 : Cannot convert ’40’ from type ‘Int32’ to type ‘System.Int64’ for ‘en-US’ culture with default conversions; consider using … Continue reading

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I’m A Winner …. Again! Or… how to win free stuff with SCRUM :)

Free Vouchers this time. Apparently I’ve won £100 of vouchers for implementing the Scrum methodology! I have no idea which shops the vouchers are for, only that they’re high street vouchers, so I suppose that’s cool, they could have been … Continue reading

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Top 10 WPF resources

Technorati Tags: WPF,Top 10,Development Resources As a minor intermission while I put a bit more effort into the WPF article series, I thought I’d list my top 10 favourite WPF and .NET tools. Ok, here goes! The amazing free resource … Continue reading

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FREE WPF Tutorials – Starting with how to restyle the default WPF controls

Technorati Tags: FREE WPF Tutorials,XAML,Blend,C#,Visual Studio,.Net I thought I’d posted enough light-weight topics lately, so to create a bit of solid tutorial content I though I’d start a series of tutorials / articles on how to re-style the standard controls … Continue reading

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Cure for slow Bitttorrent downloaded with Synology DS106e

  I’ve had the slow download problem for over 2 years now, and finally managed to fix it tonight. Fair enough, the upgrade to the latest firmware may have helped, but i was still getting less than 2Kbytes a second … Continue reading

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Synology Subversion Update

Technorati Tags: Synology,Subversion,DS106e,DS106j When I originally installed my Subversion server on the Synology box way back in March 07 the firmware on the box was pretty much OEM. I’d tweaked the firmware to allow telnet, but that was about the … Continue reading

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