Monthly Archives: January 2009

Fixing Oracle’s TableAdapters

Ok, by now you know Oracles table adapters are broken. Just searching on google for a solution turns up a significant number of other people having the same issues. Broken code, bad ODP crashes inside devstudio etc etc etc. Google … Continue reading

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The Value of time revisited!

Image via Wikipedia After speaking to one of my friends about this, I must point out that my current client *IS* actually switched on enough to correct the situation by providing the best equipment they possibly could. It’s as pleasant … Continue reading

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The value of time.

Image via Wikipedia I’ll never understand how some people in IT departments don’t grasp the value of a developers time. Its a false economy to provide anything but the absolute fastest PC for a developer. I’m not really sure where … Continue reading

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ODP.Net Part 3

Ok, not really part three but a quick post about how the last two posts arrived at the blog in the wrong order. I can’t be bothered swapping them round so just read from the top down 😉

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Damn you ODP.NET!

This stuff really does tire me out. I’ve spent yet another day battling with Oracle’s data provider instead of doing anything meaningful. I’m calling a stored procedure with an out parameter of a varchar2. I assign an OracleParameter in exactly … Continue reading

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Damn you ODP.Net Part 2!

Ok, after spending another 1/2 day battling with the oracle tools for devstudio, i took the plunge and reflected the whole Oracle Data access component. I’m not sure I should be publicly admitting to reverse engineering Larry’s baby but if … Continue reading

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4 Days in and its all peachy.

Apart from not understanding how to catch trains properly for the first 2days, everything’s going pretty well. The team is switched on, and the work is interesting so its all good 🙂 What I do find a bit puzzling is … Continue reading

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It’s All GO!

Image by Neil T via Flickr Ok, so after after a short break over Christmas, I though I’d better pull my socks up and start looking for a new contract. As everyone returned to work on the 5th of Jan, … Continue reading

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