Monthly Archives: February 2009


Well, not a big one, but one of my blogless friends has pointed out that I probably mean the Real Time scanner – but I’m 99% sure its called the On Demand scanner. Here’s the courtesy link to his website … Continue reading

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Epic Battles with McAfee

Image via Wikipedia What week, I’ve managed about 4 hours of actual development. The problem? McAfee’s on demand scanner. It all started Monday, whilst I was writing a templated ASP.Net control similar to the inbuilt Logon panel. The difference was … Continue reading

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Binding and DetailsView

Since I’m doing more ASP.Net than I’d normally like to admit to, here’s a really useful little snippet that I struggled with earlier. After my google ninjitsu failed me I turned to figuring it out for myself. Once I’d wiped … Continue reading

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Fix Oracle dot Net…

Image by Getty Images via Daylife …is now up! FixOracle.Net in its first incarnation fixes the type of dodgy Oracle code we’re using on our current project, but since the ‘fixing engine’ is shared between the web site, the winform … Continue reading

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