Monthly Archives: February 2022

FleetWave Lite, first product release!

For full release details and a free trial, go to the Fleetwave Landing Page: How did I get here? FleetWave Lite is the product I’ve been working on for the past 18 months, converting an ASP.Net monolithic application that had grown organically over the previous 25 years into a cloud-native SaaS application. I’ll say it’s been difficult. We had no usage metrics, no idea how many concurrent users we’d have to support, and very  little idea of data sizes because the product’s sales strategy was essentially fire and forget. We didn’t have access to any of these parameters because the product was installed on the client’s … Continue reading

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B.T.’s inability to fix email. Poor but unsurprising.

So, first thing, a pet hate. The number of times I’m signing up for something and the email address validation doesn’t accept my perfectly valid address because of the .house top-level domain. And, we’re not talking small fry here. Everything … Continue reading

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