Monthly Archives: March 2022

Raygun deployments & Azure Dev Ops

Unfortunately, it appears that Raygun does not have a ready built deployment integration for ADO. It looks like there are a few supported tools listed here: Supported Deployment Tools, but sadly, no love for ADO. What is this, like 2013? … Continue reading

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Azure lights and Brothel Mode™

A long, long time ago, I was watching a Scott Hanselman developer video and he had L.E.D lighting around his office ceiling. I thought that looked really cool, so like a nerdy little fanboy off I went and bought two … Continue reading

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Hollister – quality clothes, shit I.T.

OK, seems like another company takes the line of “change your email to use our service”. I purchased a nice hooded top in store, and signed up to the news letter at the PoS terminal with my email address. … Continue reading

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