OMG! At the risk of sounding like a fanatical Fan-Boy, I’ve been linked to from Rob Relyea’s WPF blog under the CTP section!
Rob’s blog entry is HERE, and as always contains mountains of useful WPF and .NET related material that you really should be reading.
Rob’s been on my blog-roll for ever since I started this blog, as the material on his pages is always straight to the point, and pre-filtered of any gunk (probably why my pages hadn’t appeared before now LOL!)
If you’re doing anything that uses WPF, you should be subscribed to Rob’s blog. If you’re not doing anything with WPF, you should be reading his blog to see why you SHOULD be doing things with WPF!
Anyway, after some excessive graft on my day job work (which is in WPF otherwise i wouldn’t be working on it at night ;), I though I’d take a break and create a couple of pixel shaders as a bit of a treat, using the .Net3.5sp1 Beta. I’ve been promising myself this for a while now, and with the bank holiday , I might just get time to sort out actually doing some work on them!
Treat? Did I actually use that for describing writing Pixel Shaders? Damn, that’s sad geeki-ness at its worst. Or best depending on your viewpoint 😉 Another definition of treat would be Scarlett Johansson smothered in butterscotch sauce. But I guess you’d really, really have to like butterscotch.
Anyway, I’d had a cursory look at what’s involved in the pixel shaders API, and it looks like there are some restrictions with what you can do with Pixel Shaders for WPF (like the lack of vertex shaders, or more than one texture source) but this *is* only a beta, and maybe we’ll get more features as the beta matures.
so, I guess.. watch this space!