I’ve had the slow download problem for over 2 years now, and finally managed to fix it tonight. Fair enough, the upgrade to the latest firmware may have helped, but i was still getting less than 2Kbytes a second with the defaults.
After fiddling with port forwarding on my router, I ended up putting upload and download limits into the boxes that state that 0 means unlimited.
since I’m still on Virgin Media’s extortionate £25 a month for 4Mbit connections, i entered 4096 in the download box, and 128 in the upload box.
I’m aware that the boxes state KB/s , note the upper case KB , so it should mean Kilo Bytes per second, but if i put 512 in there, the download rates didn’t increase.
I put 4096 in there, and suddenly I’m getting over 100KB/s on the download. Go figure.
Anyway, I think the best thing to do is port forward the standard ports from your router to the Synology Box using TCP only. Then start entering ever increasing numbers into those connection speed boxes, until you hit a number that lets your torrents take off.
here’s the evidence :
that’s over 100KB a second, and it peaked at almost 200KB/s too. uTorrent manages about 10KB/s more, but I can live with that now I can turn off my PC 🙂
Happy torrent-ing!