Author Archives: Robert Hill

Comedy web ordering with the Carphone Warehouse….

Image via Wikipedia I’ve just tried to order my son a new LG Cookie for Christmas from the Carphone Warehouse. Tried being the operative word here. I’m absolutely amazed at how we’re still struggling to get the whole on line … Continue reading

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Designer stereotypes?

Where did that whole designer stereotype come from? I was amazed to see that it’s still alive and kicking when this pair of black turtleneck sweaters dropped into my inbox! When I was heavily involved in the games industry, you … Continue reading

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Long Time No Post part 2!

Image by Getty Images via Daylife Lol! No sooner than I promise to post more frequently I swan off on a weeks holiday to the sunny southwest of England for a last minute kite-surf session. Well, in between the temperatures … Continue reading

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Long time, no post!

Wow, its been so long since my last post that I’ve almost forgotten what a blog is. Well, almost. Many things have happened both personally and professionally, hence the post hiatus. But once again, I’m back and hopefully this time, … Continue reading

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SSH, Safe surfing and avoiding the wrath of the Net Filter

Technorati Tags: Tunneling,SSH,Filter Avoidance,Security,Privacy Image via Wikipedia Many of my friends often wonder how to avoid their corporate firewalls, and secure their traffic against snooper. Well, its pretty easy to avoid the network traffic cops. People need a method to … Continue reading

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.Net3.5sp1 RTM?

A little bird’s told me that the .Net3.5sp1 will be RTM on 11th August! Wonder if the Pixel shader API has been rationalised… Multi-texture here we come 😉

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No post?

Ok, my bad. I’ve been real busy at work WPF is really soaking up all my time right now. That’s actually a good thing, anything that forces more WPF into my head can’t be a bad thing. On an alternate … Continue reading

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10,000 Visitors!

How one earth did that happen? Someone has to be messing with my stats! I didn’t think this muck was that interesting. Really. See, my wife is wrong when she says I have no friends. Do virtual friends count? 🙂

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System.Windows.Data Error: 19

Thought I’d brain dump a little problem I came across earlier today. Data Error 19. Here’s the full error. System.Windows.Data Error: 19 : Cannot convert ’40’ from type ‘Int32’ to type ‘System.Int64’ for ‘en-US’ culture with default conversions; consider using … Continue reading

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I’m A Winner …. Again! Or… how to win free stuff with SCRUM :)

Free Vouchers this time. Apparently I’ve won £100 of vouchers for implementing the Scrum methodology! I have no idea which shops the vouchers are for, only that they’re high street vouchers, so I suppose that’s cool, they could have been … Continue reading

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