Category Archives: General

Posts that have no home

Flickr album integration with word press

Finally got the flickr photo album integration working! checkout the Photo Albums page on the main menu! The trick is to set the pages slug to be the same name as the folder the album was installed into – this … Continue reading

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Photo for today.

Mamigili beach, Maldives.   Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2010 Robert Hill

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Apple update error solved.

Looking to solve iTunes iPhone or iPad update errors? read on. There are 5 apple iDevices in my family now – of which I own an iPhone 4 and an iPad. Ever since I’ve had them (in fact from my … Continue reading

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iPad iLike

I think i’m seeing the benefit. I’ve looked at the other eBook readers and up to now stuck with the paper on shelves. However, handling the iPad, reading the sample pdf’s and seeing how much it looks , well, just … Continue reading

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Whoa. That was a *BIG* break

I think we need a bit of a refresh & a new start. New theme & updates, coming very shortly.

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WordPress Resources at SiteGround

WordPress is an award-winning web software, used by millions of webmasters worldwide for building their website or blog. SiteGround is proud to host this particular WordPress installation and to provide the following resources, which facilitate the creation of WP websites: … Continue reading

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Dynamic parameters in XPath WPF bindings.

Image via Wikipedia Since its been a fair while since I posted anything with technical content, I thought I’d lighten the atmosphere with some hardcore XAML extending 😉 I was asked this question a while back, how to parameterize an … Continue reading

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Automation for business and pleasure.

I’m a big fan of automating anything that can be automated. Those of you that may know me, might even call me a bit of a fanatic. That’s the reason I got married, automatic dishwasher on the cheap. There’s a … Continue reading

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Well, not a big one, but one of my blogless friends has pointed out that I probably mean the Real Time scanner – but I’m 99% sure its called the On Demand scanner. Here’s the courtesy link to his website … Continue reading

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Epic Battles with McAfee

Image via Wikipedia What week, I’ve managed about 4 hours of actual development. The problem? McAfee’s on demand scanner. It all started Monday, whilst I was writing a templated ASP.Net control similar to the inbuilt Logon panel. The difference was … Continue reading

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