Category Archives: General

Posts that have no home

Comedy web ordering with the Carphone Warehouse….

Image via Wikipedia I’ve just tried to order my son a new LG Cookie for Christmas from the Carphone Warehouse. Tried being the operative word here. I’m absolutely amazed at how we’re still struggling to get the whole on line … Continue reading

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Designer stereotypes?

Where did that whole designer stereotype come from? I was amazed to see that it’s still alive and kicking when this pair of black turtleneck sweaters dropped into my inbox! When I was heavily involved in the games industry, you … Continue reading

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Long Time No Post part 2!

Image by Getty Images via Daylife Lol! No sooner than I promise to post more frequently I swan off on a weeks holiday to the sunny southwest of England for a last minute kite-surf session. Well, in between the temperatures … Continue reading

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Long time, no post!

Wow, its been so long since my last post that I’ve almost forgotten what a blog is. Well, almost. Many things have happened both personally and professionally, hence the post hiatus. But once again, I’m back and hopefully this time, … Continue reading

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.Net3.5sp1 RTM?

A little bird’s told me that the .Net3.5sp1 will be RTM on 11th August! Wonder if the Pixel shader API has been rationalised… Multi-texture here we come 😉

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No post?

Ok, my bad. I’ve been real busy at work WPF is really soaking up all my time right now. That’s actually a good thing, anything that forces more WPF into my head can’t be a bad thing. On an alternate … Continue reading

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10,000 Visitors!

How one earth did that happen? Someone has to be messing with my stats! I didn’t think this muck was that interesting. Really. See, my wife is wrong when she says I have no friends. Do virtual friends count? 🙂

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System.Windows.Data Error: 19

Thought I’d brain dump a little problem I came across earlier today. Data Error 19. Here’s the full error. System.Windows.Data Error: 19 : Cannot convert ’40’ from type ‘Int32’ to type ‘System.Int64’ for ‘en-US’ culture with default conversions; consider using … Continue reading

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I’m A Winner …. Again! Or… how to win free stuff with SCRUM :)

Free Vouchers this time. Apparently I’ve won £100 of vouchers for implementing the Scrum methodology! I have no idea which shops the vouchers are for, only that they’re high street vouchers, so I suppose that’s cool, they could have been … Continue reading

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Top 10 WPF resources

Technorati Tags: WPF,Top 10,Development Resources As a minor intermission while I put a bit more effort into the WPF article series, I thought I’d list my top 10 favourite WPF and .NET tools. Ok, here goes! The amazing free resource … Continue reading

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