Category Archives: General

Posts that have no home

Charles Petzold, Its an honour!

In trying to keep up with all things WPF, I came across a post on Charles’s Blog outlining how lighting worked in WPF3D. He was having a minor problem with the effect and hadn’t yet worked through how to light … Continue reading

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Chernobyl Vs. Kolmanskop

Sometime ago, I happened accross this site containing images of Chernobyl, taken 20 years after the initial meltdown. I find it’s an amazingly haunting experience just looking through the photographs, imagining what it must have been like when the disaster … Continue reading

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ReSharper 3.x MbUnit and VS 2008

Image via Wikipedia As a long time lover of ReSharper, I finally got round to upgrading to the new 3.1 version, but I came across a minor problem after the install, ReSharper wasn’t appearing in the VS2008 IDE :(. So … Continue reading

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Buy From the USA Ship to UK!

There’s been lots of occasions where I’ve seen something in the US, but the company doesn’t ship to the UK. Also , with the current exchange rate and weak dollar we’re getting a really good deal on consumer goods, especially … Continue reading

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Job Interviews!

A change is as good as a rest, so they say, so I’m off for an interview as Team lead for the Labour Market Data Warehousing Team. I haven’t really had that many interviews in the course of my career, … Continue reading

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RSS Feeds and Outlook2007

Ok, so maybe I’m just too trusting, but the having all your feeds inside Outlook2007 seemed like the smart thing to do. All the incoming data in one place. Seems sensible at first, no? Well, it is, kind of, until … Continue reading

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A New Year, a new look…

and hopefully, a lot more posts to boot. I think it was Joel Spolsky that once said “good programmers are also good writers” , and it appears I’ve neglected the latter. So, as a 2008 new years resolution, i’ve promised … Continue reading

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Visualisation Rocks!.

Visualisation is becoming such an important part of development – it allows a level of understanding you simply don’t get from staring at text. Take a recent post from a co-worker (for those of you inside EDS it’s here) post from … Continue reading

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What’s in a title?

Lets hope the content is a little more inspiring than the titles! Will Spielberg make a successful cross over to games? Judging the descriptions of his first attempt(s) , the future doesn’t look bright.

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Domain Specific Languages

Over the last few months I had the opportunity to implement a DSL for my day job. Well, my day job doesn’t involve writing compilers, but it does involve writing incredibly tedious C code to interface an archaic 4GL – … Continue reading

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