Category Archives: Personal

Anything from my personal life!

Fresh starts…

Yup, but this time it really is. Lots of personal stuff happened over the last 18 months that really slowed progression of anything to an absolute halt! Firstly, personal health, like not being able to see properly or walk was … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday, Blog!

Ok, so a number of people have pointed out I haven’t blogged for a WHOLE year, well close as damn it. So, here it is. I thought saving a post for my blogs 5th birthday would be a good point … Continue reading

Posted in Apple, General, iPad, iPhone, Personal | Leave a comment

A Fresh Start!

Well, after a couple of false starts I’m finally back on the grid for good! Those who know me will know why I’ve not been around due to various personal issues, but I’m back with loads of stuff and hopefully … Continue reading

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Comedy web ordering with the Carphone Warehouse….

Image via Wikipedia I’ve just tried to order my son a new LG Cookie for Christmas from the Carphone Warehouse. Tried being the operative word here. I’m absolutely amazed at how we’re still struggling to get the whole on line … Continue reading

Posted in General, Personal | 1 Comment

Designer stereotypes?

Where did that whole designer stereotype come from? I was amazed to see that it’s still alive and kicking when this pair of black turtleneck sweaters dropped into my inbox! When I was heavily involved in the games industry, you … Continue reading

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10,000 Visitors!

How one earth did that happen? Someone has to be messing with my stats! I didn’t think this muck was that interesting. Really. See, my wife is wrong when she says I have no friends. Do virtual friends count? 🙂

Posted in General, Personal | 4 Comments

I’m A WINNER – free iPod!

Well, not how I’d have phrased it but still. Sounds more like a Nigerian 419. But still……..  I’VE WON AN iPod! Yup. Really. An iPod!! I submitted an idea into a program we have here @ EDS, and the best … Continue reading

Posted in General, Personal | 3 Comments

An evening with Derren Brown, and the Agile Manifesto

What a show. The man is simply amazing, magic or psychology, it doesn’t really matter, the end result is both stunning and completely mystifying. Some of the show was obvious trickery like the levitating spirit table), but in my opinion … Continue reading

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Wow, what a film. JJ Abrams – the boy done good. To do this film justice you need to see it on a screen as large as possible, but more importantly, the sound system needs to be capable of shaking … Continue reading

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Charles Petzold, Its an honour!

In trying to keep up with all things WPF, I came across a post on Charles’s Blog outlining how lighting worked in WPF3D. He was having a minor problem with the effect and hadn’t yet worked through how to light … Continue reading

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