WEB 2.0

I rarely like the buzzword mania that seems to afflict our beloved profession, and I admit to playing the odd game of BS Bingo, but I really do cringe everytime I hear the words “Web 2.0”. So when i happened across this clip I thought it was well worth sharing. It’s quite possibly the best definition I’ve heard of what Web 2.0 actually is.


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Reflecting on XAML..

Wow, its been quite a bit since my last post – but I’ve got a good excuse. I’ve been busy soaking up all I can on the Holy trio of WPF/WCF/WWF. There’s just so much to absorb, and I’m already 3+ years behind! (WPF has been around since 2003/4)

Anyway. I’m here now!

Ok, the reflection stuff is getting a bit overdone, and I’ve seen another example of an animating cog,  so not wanting to feel left out i thought I’d add my own reflection example with a minor twist.

Here’s the code :

<Window x:Class=”WindowsApplication1.Window1″
    Title=”BalmyWin” Height=”480″ Width=”600″>
<LinearGradientBrush EndPoint=”0.5,1″ StartPoint=”0.5,0″>
      <GradientStop Color=”#FF0000FF” Offset=”1″/>
      <GradientStop Color=”#FF0000DF” Offset=”0.63″/>
      <GradientStop Color=”#FF000082″ Offset=”0.543″/>
      <GradientStop Color=”#FF000000″ Offset=”0″/>
      <Grid HorizontalAlignment=”Center” VerticalAlignment=”Center” Margin=”0,80,0,0″ Background=”#FF0000AF”>
        <MediaElement x:Name=”balmy” Source=”ballmerwindows.wmv” Width=”320″ Height=”240″  Margin=”5,5,5,5″ TextElement.Foreground=”#FFFFFFFF”/>

      <Rectangle Width=”320″ Height=”240″ Margin=”5,0,5,5″ >
          <VisualBrush Visual=”{Binding ElementName=balmy}”/>
            <ScaleTransform ScaleY=”-0.25″/>
            <TranslateTransform Y=”60″ />
            <SkewTransform AngleX=”70″ />
                <LinearGradientBrush EndPoint=”0.515,1.15″ StartPoint=”0.487,0.017″>
                        <GradientStop Color=”#0E000000″ Offset=”0.135″/>
                        <GradientStop Color=”#FFFFFFFF” Offset=”1″/>

and here’s the result.

Balmy windows

To try this out, cut and paste it into XAMLPadX or other XAML editor that allows a window as the root element.

Although in the original example on the WPF/E blog, an image is used for both the graphic and its reflection, and animation rotates both. Thats ok when you have a static image, what if you want to reflect a video? Loading up the video twice is a bit of a resource hog, and then there’s the risk they’ll get out of sync for some reason, plus even a few millisecond delay will give some really odd audio phasing artifacts.

Enter the <VisualBrush> element. This allows you to ‘capture’ the content of a visual tree of pretty much any element in your Xaml. Because the content of a <MediaElement> is a dependency property, anytime the video codec renders a new frame of video data, the visual brush also gets a copy of the surface data.

In addition to a simple inversion, which could be done with a <RelativeTransform> and a Y of -1, i wanted to add a skew transform the the rendered output. i think this gives more realistic cast reflection than a simple reflection about the X axis when you really notice the lack of a true perspective transform.

Anyway, there are two types of transforms you can add to a visual element, layout transforms , and render transforms. A layout transform performs the transformation before the layout engine positions all the controls, so if we were doing a rotation, as the horizontal size of the control increased, the other controls would get pushed around on screen which wouldn’t be too pretty. To avoid that, we use a render transform, which performs the transformation as the last stage of the rendering pipeline, so it doesn’t affect the positions of any of the other controls on screen.

So, we make a RenderTransform that consist of a Translation, a Skew, and a Scale. When we flip the brush, we also need to translate back into a position underneath the video, and we apply a scale to make it look slightly more realistic.

As a final touch we apply a linear gradient over the transformed visualbrush that affects only the reflections opacity mask . This causes the alpha on the visual brushes pixels to decrease the further away we get from the base of the reflection.

Thats about it! There’s no code required, everything is in the one XAML file. The media element can present pretty much any type that has a registered codec, and it will even do animated gifs (although there’s a bug in WPF which doesn’t clear the background of gifs with transparency)

The example also uses the video attached to this blog entry, save it in the same location as the XAML file or you’ll end up with an empty window!

so, happy XAML’ing!

File Attachment: ballmerwindows.wmv (830 KB)

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WPF intellisense missing in action!

If you’re trying out WPF using Expression Blend conjunction with Devstudio, you might find depending on how you start them up, that the integration isn’t all that clever. Here’s the problem.

Basically, don’t start blend before Devstudio, or Devstudio won’t be able to provide you will full intellisense with your project since it isn’t loaded as a solution. If you add an event handler in blend, Devstudio pops up with that file but thats all, and lets face it, working without intellisense is like having your hands removed at the wrists!

So, the correct sequence is..

1. Open Devstudio first
2. Create a WPF Project within Devstudio (or open an existing project)
3. Now run blend
4. open the ”Solution” file from within blend.

abracadabra…, you get full intellisense in Devstudio, and you can still edit everything within blend.

Note also that Blend doesn’t provide any intellisense yet, and the XML editor isn’t really that good by comparison.

There’s a few things that Devstudio’s XAML visualisation doesn’t cope with either, so get used to see the OOPS screen. Editing XAML inside Devstudio is pretty easy though, and the intellisense even works for enums inside strings for the setting of the XAML tag attributes!



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Zeno’s Paradox.

Ok, so he’s only 11, but I swear, thats one of the most difficult problems I’ve tried to explain to my son. How do you explain Zeno’s paradox to an 11 year old?

The closest I got was with hamster approach :

“if you were here, and the hamster was 1/2 way across the room, by the time you get to where the hamster was he will have moved forward. The next time you get to where the hamster was, he will still have moved forward a bit. So, each time you reach the hamster, he’ll have moved. Therefore you’ll lose the race no matter how fast you can run”

“ahh, but you’re running faster than the hamster, you’ll pass him half way”

“yes, but when you get to where the hamster was he will have moved in front of you again”

“ahh but…”

I’ll leave the calculus till later then

I give up.

Back to WPF.


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Its Alive!

Managed to find out what the problems with my bitweaver site were. After reinstalling XAMPP, bitweaver and fiddling with it for a couple of hours, i turned to a workmates machine, to discover the site working perfectly! I went back to my machine, and it was still broken. Hmm…

so, I cleared the cache, deleted the cookies, and tried again. Hey presto.


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How come , the minute you’re not there, something breaks?

I installed Bitweaver , a really nice CMS on a machine at work, to provide a central hub for a touch of agile communication. Y’know share the knowledge and all that. But just before I left work tonight, it all went t*ts up. Well, sort of.

If i access the machine via localhost, it all works just fine. Access it by the full machine name, and it mysteriously misses all of the site’s CSS theming. The content’s there, it just looks crappy.

I’ve posted on the bitweaver forums, begging for help, but no one’s replied yet. There’s a couple of other incidents on the forums of the same thing, and they went pretty much unanswered too.  . I guess thats why commercial CMS systems cost big bucks. </sigh>





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Google pigeons?

Damn, I’ll never look at a humble pigeon in the same way again. Check out Pigeon Rank(tm)

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