The good old days.

Check me out. I’m on a roll, a post a day, almost!. Anyway, the other night one of my old contacts, from a good thirty years ago pointed me to a site he’d found on line that had archived all our old demos from the Amiga days! OK, I’d better explain myself.
Circa 1985 me and a friend called Cosy set up an Amiga demo group call ‘Magnetic Fields’ with a guy from Rotherham who’s nickname was ‘No.5’. Yes, that was the main character from the film Short Circuit. I’ll leave the real names out to protect the guilty!
So, there we were with our A500’s Hacking cracking and packing anything that moved. I think Cosy may have been single handedly responsible for the downfall of commodore, but that’s another story. I was much more interested in coding stuff, and even though I’d had published products out from the tender age of 12 (on the vic20) this was where we really got to cut our teeth.
Decent graphics hardware and a nice fast 68000 CPU running at a whopping 8mhz! We had demos coming out of our butts. I was responsible for a few of the early MF demos which are all on that site! It’s amazing to look back at what a 16 year old kid was up to cracking out 3d demos using the hardware blitter to draw lines, render sprites, and i was also responsible for one of the most famous ( or notorious depending on your point of view) virus killers at the time – Interferon.
Interferon worked by hooking all the IRQ’s to replace its boot code
so that in the event of any virus ( or a competing boot loader) stepped in, Interferon would immediately heal itself, and survive the reboot. One trick Interferon had up its sleeve was that it also
replaced all the IRQ’s on the vertical blanking interrupt, which ensured that all those vectors we replaced 50 times a second! Nothing was getting past that sucker.
Funny thing was, the most successful virus killer on the Amiga was written in 1K of assembler. 1024 bytes. Whilst all this hackery pokery was great fun it did do one thing that changed my life, I got me into the games industry, where I stayed for a further 23 years.

I wouldn’t change a thing.

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Blog diverge. GO!

One of the problems I’d had with this blog was ‘what does it say?’. By that I mean, I had tech articles I’d want to write, photo’s I’d love the world to see, and general discussion items that might be of interest. I’d never really considered keeping multiple blogs for separate content, I thought it was too much effort.

Re-visiting this now WordPress is at V3.3 i find not only is the level of integration with all the previous tools I’d used really slick, but my range of iDevices make everything easier than ever. The workflow to post & barriers to adding multiple content streams really have dissolved.

So, I’ve split my content.

I’m now split 3 ways! Although i really struggled to post anything significant for at least the last couple of years, this should help focus any work I do.

will contain all my personal musings, thought articles and anything that isn’t covered by my photo blog or my tech blog.

Is my new photostream blog. It will be devoted almost entirely to iPhoneography, since the best camera is the one you have with you. Apparently. Until I’ve got lots of good iPhone only photos, I’ll post some DSLR images too.

and finally,

will contain any tech stuff I end up regurgitating. Thinking about tech blogging, there’s not much to say when you’re not at the bleeding edge especially when you no longer need to post technical articles for the ‘look at me, I’m techy, employ me’ treadmill. That’s not to say I don’t need to prove that, just less so when you have a good contract track record. However, i still love tech writing so there will be the odd bit of content that i thought might be useful or exposing something that tripped me up.

So, there we have it. 3 blogs instead of one. I really should be 3 times as many posts with a 1/3 of the work this time round.

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Blog FAIL.

What a complete n00b. I couldn’t get my blog theme to look like it should, so I did the whole reset thing. Deactivated all my plugins. Cleared all caches.. Updated stuff. Exported my entries. Reinstalled WordPress.
No change.
So I went all hardcore. Back to the host. Delete WordPress. ( you can see where this is going. ) reinstall WordPress.
Success! Theme works perfectly. Reimport posts. All present and correct!
OH WAIT A MINUTE. All media now gone!

Good thing is I was starting fresh anyway, just a bit annoying that all the pics, zips, source stuff will have gone. I could restore a backup from host, but I don’t think the old stuff is worth worrying about.
So it really is a fresh start!

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Happy Birthday, Blog!

Ok, so a number of people have pointed out I haven’t blogged for a WHOLE year, well close as damn it.
So, here it is. I thought saving a post for my blogs 5th birthday would be a good point to start a fresh.
What would possibly fill a year void? Well lots of stuff has changed, some personal stuff that’s interfered with my ability to get stuff done on the scale I was used to, so I guess the year gap has just been the result of pushing certain things down the pile!
Hopefully, I won’t suffer too much interference this year, and I promise to keep attacking my blog with all sorts of goodies.

So what would be a good opening fresh start entry?


Apple has altered my perspective on usability, design, apps and lots more. It’s changed my focus completely on what I should be doing day in day out.
Firstly, for example, this entry is being composed in Blogsy, a most amazing iPad app which means I should be able to blog quicker, easier and from almost anywhere my pad can get a 3G signal.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. After having spent the worst year of my development career doing a 3do convention of a SNES game called Clay Fighters using a Mac Quadra 840av (which was a really top end mac at the time) I almost gave up development and started flipping burgers for a living. It was that bad. A pure, unadulterated dog turd.
My hatred for Apple lasted over 17 years. ( in fairness I should mention Metrowerks and Adobe played a big part in making it a truly sh*t experience. )
The matrix banana!

Nokia smart phones,  windows CE phones ( the ones with the stylus because it was just a cut down version of windows)

even Atari portfolio and Olivetti quaderno’s. Forever searching for that perfect portable. Then in about 2008 a friend at a place I was contracting at showed me the first iPhone. It’s not that I hadn’t seen Apple gadgets before, I’d watched all the iPods come and go as I shunned them all for creative labs and other players. Avoid apple at all costs was still firmly burned into my psyche.

I don’t know how it happened. I think the infectious fanboi talk my friend eventually forced me to play with his phone. Once I’d held it, stroked it, felt the interface move, fiddled with all the cool apps that made the device go beyond a being just a simple phone, or a device with a crappy windows metaphor, I was hooked.
I bought one. From that point on Apple has eventually infected every aspect of my day to day computing. I do most casual computing sat on the sofa with my iPad. I play music on my iPhone, send video to the Apple TV from the pad playing it on the tv. My MacBook air has replaced my PC as my main work machine, and the gesture control via the magic pad, pretty much removes the need for multiple monitors. It’s so effortless to use, and a more pleasant environment in which to spend your time.
This is before you get to the design aspect of the hardware. The MacBook air is a joy to behold. I have a pouch that it slips into, along with all the cables, and my phones I use for developing all in a space half the size of a ream of A4 paper. Amazing. Another joy of the air is total silence. No fans, no noise. Well, that’s not strictly true, it does have a fan but, and it’s a fairly big but, it only ever kicks in WHEN ADOBE FLASH IS RUNNING. And that’s a pretty big one, it totally destroys the environment when everything is silent, and flash powers up. Pretty unnavoidable when even adobe’s crappy installers use flash. Like WTF? I’m afraid I’m with Steve on this one. Flash cant die soon enough.
My pc is now sitting idle rarely used. I have Parallels running on my mac for when I need to do pc work. VS2010 and Blend 4 work flawlessly, and it’s so quick you wouldn’t know which hardware you’re actually sitting in front of. Talk about best of both worlds.
All from kit the size of a few A4 sheets.
It’s slick. The design, aesthetics and everything about the physical devices make sure you don’t want to put them in cases and cover them up.
Ok, that’s my fanboi bit over. There are a couple of minor flaws.
Firstly, iTunes. Quite possibly the worst media manager ever conceived. On the PC it IS the worst media manager, on the mac, it’s bad but at least it’s useable. Barely.
Secondly, X-Code. This really is a throwback to the early 90’s and I’m convinced Apple can’t possibly be using that to develop any of their code. Not possible. XCode crashes performing the simplest of tasks. Remove a file from the project. Crash. Add a folder. Crash. Get ( the very weak !) intellisense. Crash.
Subversion integration is a complete joke. There are NO indicators that it’s doing anything, then 3 minutes later it will come back and report it’s done. Or crashed. And it’s messed up the working copy so many times I’ve abandoned the integrated SVN in favour of a third party util, Cornerstone which is absolutely fantastic.
Maybe I’ve been spoiled with Microsofts total devotion to its dev community. VS2010 is pretty amazing.

So, hardware = awesome. iDevices, possibly the most beautiful gadget you could own. OSX Lion, the jury is still out. Maybe I’m still burning from the earlier brush with the Quadra. The interface for lion, the gesture integration, well, that’s fantastic, but it just doesn’t feel like the ‘work horse’ my pc felt like. Yet. But it’s getting there.

Happy 5th birthday blog!

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Is your Flickr Date search not working either?

After modifying the TanTanNoodles Flickr plugin to allow WordPress Shortcodes that include date ranges, it seems it’s still not quite as reliable as it should be. The two preceding posts were both initially posted via my phone included shortcodes to display the picture I’d just taken / uploaded to flickr. However, only one (the palm frond) showed up via the shortcode.

I tested the same thing with flickr api test pages where you can enter the parameters of an API call onto their test page, and … it still returns nothing, even thought the dates are correct.

Searching the flickr forums shows up that their support for searching / filtering photos is spotty at best, and some parameter searches are completely broken. Googling reveals lots of people having the same problems, even over the last few months. Not bad for a service that’s been around for nearly 7 years.

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Snow morning.

Morning snow

Almost worth braving the snow for.

  Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2010 Robert Hill

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Modified TanTanNoodles Flickr Gallery WordPress plugin

Photo of the day via a shortcode in modified TanTanNoodle Flickr Gallery wordpress plugin.

[flickr datetaken=’2010-08-16′ size=’Medium’]

Have you felt a burning need to post a picture of the day by pulling a single image from your flickr photostream? Ever wanted to do all of that directly from your iDevice without having to browse web pages and find photo id’s from urls, or try and use the wordpress posting page with plugins on a tiny screen?

Well, you’ve come to the right place. While the Joe Tan’s Flickr Gallery plugin does almost everything I want, I couldn’t find an easy way to reference a single photo in my photo stream without having to look up the photo’s ID (via flickr’s web interface) or creating an individual tag for each photo i wanted to reference individually.

So, braving the PHP world (guess theres a first time for everything) I cracked open Joe’s plugin and modified the code for handling wordpress shortcodes.

I’ve added three additional parameters to the flickr shortcode.

  • datetaken
  • dateuploaded
  • containstext

both datetaken and dateuploaded are narrowing in that any of the other parameters, like tags etc, will be restricted to the photos matching that date.

By using the new shortcode parameters I can tag photos freshly uploaded from my phone (with a single tag, say ‘POTD’) and show them taken on a specific date, i.e. today. This way I keep all my uploaded photos in flickr’s gallery , and display them in my posts with a shortcode that’s easy to remember and type straight into my iPhone’s wordpress app.

Posting a photo of the day is now just a quick 2 step process.

While testing the modifications I’ve noticed that flickr’s search is VERY flakey indeed. If you specify more than a date and tag the picture isn’t found reliably. There’s more information about search problems on the flickr forums.

If you’re feeling brave download the attached class-public.php and upload it to your wp-content/plugins/tantan-flickr/flickr folder. BACK UP YOUR CURRENT FILE.

It seems to be working just fine at the moment, however, if anyone knows an easier and more reliable way to achieve this (preferably straight from my iPhone!) let me know!

  Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2010 Robert Hill

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Flickr album integration with word press

Finally got the flickr photo album integration working! checkout the Photo Albums page on the main menu!

The trick is to set the pages slug to be the same name as the folder the album was installed into – this way when you browse to the page mod_rewrite will take over and fetch the album page instead of the word press page!
The problem was that the ‘slug’ option was turned off by default, so the pages slug edit section was hidden.
At the top of the wordpress page editing there’s a little tab misleadingly labeled ‘screen options’ drop that down and turn on the post Slug section. Insert the path to your gallery folder and presto, the page redirects and correctly shows your flickr galleries.
Job done! Hope you enjoy my photos after all that!

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Photo for today.

Mamigili beach, Maldives.

  Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2010 Robert Hill

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Apple update error solved.

Looking to solve iTunes iPhone or iPad update errors? read on.

There are 5 apple iDevices in my family now – of which I own an iPhone 4 and an iPad. Ever since I’ve had them (in fact from my very first 3G) I’ve had problems with that eternal turd that is iTunes updating my devices. I’ve only ever managed to get iTunes to successfully update my phone ONCE, and to be honest I’m not even sure I’m remembering that event correctly. I might have been somewhere different entirely in order to get it to update.

Given I’m now pretty heavily invested in the Jobsian ecosystem, I thought I should really solve the problem of updating my hardware using my current kit.

So, I Googled. I Binged. I read and read and read. Nothing solved my problem. EVERY time I updated my phone or my iPad the progress bar would either shoot up and error immediately, or it would spend 20 minutes creeping up and then hang 4 pixels from the end of the bar for what seemed like eternity. All iTunes would give back would be a standard windows error box with a hex error code. Just another reason to hate iTunes. Each subsequent fail brought me closer to decapitating myself in a fit of depression.

Then I noticed something. When my fingers didn’t quite hit the keys properly and I ended up typing a non existent URL into my browser instead of the usual browser’s error page about not finding the URL, I was getting a Virgin Media search page, helpfully asking if I’d meant to type a more sensible URL and would I like to visit any of the pages below. No Virgin. I wouldn’t.

But that set me thinking on two paths.

1) apple software is seriously CRAP given it should verify the update can complete BEFORE trashing your phone and leaving unusable in restore mode.

2) Virgin’s DNS is messing with resolving an apple server late in the update process.

So, with a bit of Google love and the help of their DNS servers, I switched over my router to use the free DNS and tried updating again.


So, it looks like Virgins ultra helpful DNS redirection on failure is messing up my apple iDevice update. Bad Virgin. Bad Apple for not checking whether it can actually call home properly

I suspect that many people would be having the same problem, so folks, update your DNS’s to Google’s free DNS and solve the iDevice update problem!

Unfortunately that wont rewrite apples crap software.

check out : Google’s DNS information

  Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2010 Robert Hill

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