I’ve seen a couple of posts , the first by Jeff Atwood about what can you build in 600 lines of code and a response from Charles Petzold commenting that 600 lines is a luxury.
Heh. 600 Lines. That really was a luxury. Back when I first started out in the games industry, for fun and a bit of friendly competition we used to write games that must be close to 256 BYTES as possible.
So, the other night I took a quick trip down memory lane and dug out my old source code, and by old I mean old. When I unzipped the code, I swear the monitor turned sepia. This stuff is from the days when 4Mhz PC’s cost more than most cars,CD’s were still a twinkle in Philips’s eye, and Norton Tools was indispensable. Ok, so it was only 1989, but it still feels old!
Anyway, sifting through the files I could only find two examples of my 256 Byte games (and one from a friend) but I’ll present them below for your amusement.
They’re written in 8086 assembly, yep, those are real 16 bit registers 😉 And the tool of choice was TASM, back when Borland produced real tools, rather than the bloated Java crap they’re peddling today.
First up is Pacman. Running these relics in a window means the code to sync to the vertical refresh doesn’t work too well! I had to fire up a VM because they wont run at all on my Vista64 install. Anyway, the ghosts move randomly rather than tracking you, but there is collision detection against the walls. Come on, what do you expect for 256 bytes?